About Me


My name is Andrew Peloquin, Editor-in-Chief of The Longevity Journal.
I’ve always been fascinated by the world of health and fitness science—specifically, how one small discovery can lead to enormous changes and improvements in our wellbeing. So many breakthroughs are being made every day, but we just don’t know about it because we don’t know how to sift through all the complex data.

But that’s what I love! When I first started digging deeper, going beyond the “fluff” that was published for general consumption but instead drilling into the science, I found there were so many fascinating secrets just waiting to be unlocked.

Secrets that led to better health, greater fitness, and improved athletic performance, and that helped me as a fitness trainer (certified in 2013), bodybuilder, runner, snowboarder, martial artist, and all-around health nut.

Now, I get to share my findings with you, bringing the latest-and-greatest scientific achievements and discoveries to enhance your life.

I’m so excited to be on this journey to better health and greater longevity with you!